day off.


Last night, two of my best friends stayed over.
This morning I decided to get up and make a nice little breakfast for them.
It was a lovely morning complete with Vince Guaraldi Trio's "A Charlie Brown Christmas" album on repeat.
It's my favorite.

Today also marks the one year anniversary of the day I brought Oliver home.
I had just one night to decide if I wanted to keep him...and I never gave him back.
He's a spoiled brat and a pain in my backside. I've never met a more stubborn creature in my life.
But I honestly don't know what I would do without him.
He truly is like my first child (expenses and all) and I wouldn't trade him for the world.
He's my little furry baby and I love him. I love him.

I love you, Ollie.

weekend trip to nashville.


Towards the end of October, Molly and I decided to take another trip down to Nashville.
This time we only stayed for the weekend, but it was a perfect little getaway.

 01. Rest stop selfies.
02. Lunch with andy + justin at the yellow porch. (the porch was not yellow)
03. Walking around nashville.
04. I think it's a rule that if you see a giant cowboy boot, you must take a picture with it. Yea, it is.
 05. Molly getting her 3rd and 4th tattoos at pride and glory.
06. The people that work here are awesome. Highly recommend them.
 07. Pizza for days. DAYS.
 08. Bonfire at andy's.
 09. Lunch at the frothy monkey with dana + lexa.
 10. We went to a haunted house.
11. Came home to andy + tj being all cute and stuff.
 12-24. Country music hall of fame >>>
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 25-66. Spontaneous photo shoot >>>
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67. Moll and I took andy + tj to soulshine before we left.
 68-69. Saying goodbye to our guys.
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 70. We just HAD to stop at barista parlor before we hit the road.

Obviously, we really, really like Nashville.
We played around with the idea of apartment hunting so we don't have to keep making trips back and forth.
...and keep making Andy put up with us and our girlish things all over his house.
One day, it'll happen.

see you next month nashville.
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