Last day in Rome: Vatican City. No, we did not see the Pope. He came out the day before. St. Peter's Basilica is ENORMOUS. The architecture was stunning. We also hit the Sistine Chapel and got to see Michelangelo's work. The Creation of Adam is one of my favorite works of all time and it was breathtaking in person. After leaving the Vatican, we found a little place called Bir & Fud where we had: you guessed it... beer and food. They had an impressive collection of draught beer and our bar tender was knowledgeable and entertaining. If I ever get back to Rome, I'm hitting this place up. It was a VIBE. On our way back to our B+B, we went back to the Trevi and enjoyed some gelato for the last night. It was beyond words.
This was absolutely one of the best trips I've ever gone on. In Italy there's no shortage of wild flowers, CRAZY traffic, and men wearing scarves. There IS a shortage of signage (be prepared to circle for hours), free water, and free public restrooms. Yes, you have to pay to use restrooms over there.
I learned a lot on this trip -- not only about Italy, but about myself. Travelling is the only thing money can buy that makes you richer. I may not have become an Italian Pop Star... but I did get an experience of a lifetime.
"Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."