time out.


With everything going on in my life, I decided to take some time out and just be. Holding off on getting a few things done to restore my sanity with some tea, candles, + writing. I swear there's nothing this triple threat can't fix.

Always put yourself first.

2 || 14


Thursday night, Andy flew in from Nashville and spent the weekend here in Chicago so we could be together for Valentine's day. On Friday we celebrated at Maggiano's with Molly + Jon, and after went back to our hotel and popped some champagne. We were spoiled with a weekend full of good food, good friends, and zero obligations. The lazy scale was definitely broken.

He is one of the most optimistic people I've ever had the privilege of having in my life. He makes me want to be a better person. No matter the situation, he never fails to see the light at the end of the tunnel. While at lunch on Saturday, we were sharing stories and he said to me, "We've both been through a lot, but look where we are now. We're back at Portillo's, sitting at the same table we were sitting in two years ago. We've had an amazing past few days together. Everything always works out in the end." That had never even occurred to me. Life is all about living in the present and enjoying the little things. He is truly inspiring, and I will continue to use his positive influence as motivation to appreciate life wherever I am at the moment.

save the date.


Adding another trip to my list for 2014- my cousin's save the date card came in the mail yesterday. Most people wouldn't think much of it, but I got really excited. I LOVE weddings. And the fact that it's being held in a barn in North Carolina.........I can't. Seriously too thrilled about this.

I couldn't be happier for them. Tanner is a perfect match for Brittany, and I know this because when he followed her all the way from North Carolina to Oregon, he stopped at all of her relatives houses to introduce himself. He was travelling with his brother and best friend, and they made special stops along the way to spend time with Brittany's family. We were all so impressed by his dedication to get to know all of us without her by his side. I thought that was an extremely honorable move on his part. That is what true love is. Needless to say, this is going to be a amazing wedding.
Looking forward to October.

Marry You by Bruno Mars on Grooveshark

*Brittany made this card herself. If you like simplistic, creative, handmade designs, check out her Etsy shop here.
Proudly designed by | mlekoshiPlayground |