via collapsed

via mahleeyah

via gifmovie

via purefection

via cherrybam

via raysofthesun

via frame-ofmind

via ink-its-art

via moon-flake

via sfpirouette

via plasmatio

via donotcockblock

via xokrista

via chrisidk

via s-kulls

via weheartit

via weheartit

via free-your-mind

via cherrybam

via coconutfalls

via plagved

via acidic-toxic

via tiddlez

via glamluxe-gala

via hydrotoxicity
usually, i hate it when i'm following someone's personal blog and they posts things that aren't their own. but then i realized that there's nothing wrong with borrowing inspiration from different parts of the internet and sharing them with others. so that's what this post is about. every time i log onto my tumblr, my dashboard is full of posts that are inspiring to me. all of the above images are just a few of my favorites that i came across this morning, and i felt the need to share them. i have this obsession with soft color photos...they're just so dream-like. their simplicity and room for interpretation to the viewer makes them seemingly flawless. if i ever learned how to take such beautiful photos, i'd travel the world and snap everything in sight so i could share it on my little corner of the internet. and then maybe another 19 year old girl would sit on her bed with a cup of coffee and want to share them on her little blog.
share what inspires you + keep dreaming.