It's true: you don't need a new year to change or improve.
But it is a good excuse to think about the things you'd like to work on. A friend recently asked me if I had any resolutions for the new year, and it got me to sit down and write them out.
In no particular order:
1. Volunteer more. This is something I've been wanting to do for quite some time now. I haven't volunteered in a while, and I feel terrible. I think I'm going to start with the Crisis Center for South Suburbia. They provide shelter for victims of domestic violence, but require 40 hour training before you can help.
2. Put more effort into this blog. This blog's two year anniversary is coming up and I definitely expected it to be further developed than it is now. The biggest issue is finding time between school, work, household responsibilities, social life, etc. The second issue is finding or creating content worth blogging about. At this point, I'm blogging for myself as a sort of virtual time capsule. I need to sit down and plan consistent content, and hopefully Molly will team up with me in the next few months. (I also desperately need to brush up on my HTML skills, though it won't get me very far while using Blogger).
3. Make time for cooking. I need to cook more. Period. I have a binder of recipes I've never even touched, but I've been dying to make. Need to practice my housewife skills.
4. Put myself first. I get overwhelmed easily. Very easily. I need to worry about keeping my stress levels down and keeping my anxiety attacks to a minimum. Trying to make this year a good one, and if that means giving myself a break here and there, so be it.
5. Stay health conscious. I want to continue to increase and intensify my workouts throughout 2014, as well as keep a food log. I do want the guilt to set in when I have to document that second bowl of ice cream, after eating that whole pizza to myself. Less cheat days, Jill.
6. Make time for travelling. Life isn't going to stop and say, "hey! you deserve a vacation. take the next week off." You have to make the time. Travelling is important to me, so I'm going to make it a priority. The time is now.
7. Write more. I love writing. I always have. It's so liberating to get your unfiltered, unadulterated thoughts down on paper. It's the best form of therapy, and the best thing you can do for yourself. Try it.
8. Read more. I literally do not read unless I have to. I've never liked reading. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but it's just never been my thing. This year I'm determined to find a few books that captivate me. I want to learn to love it.
9. Procrastinate less. Not stop, just less. I'm trying to set realistic goals. I will never stop procrastinating. It's in my blood. But I really do need to cut it out, especially with school. This past semester was the WORST. I proved to myself that I could do projects/papers the day they were due and still receive an A... BUT HOLY STRESS. Need. To. Do. Less.
10. Learn Italian. My family and I are going to Italy in May, and for Christmas I received an Italian dictionary/phrase book. I already have a few phrases down, and I have five more months to learn the rest of the language... bring it on.
11. Save for DSLR + keyboard. These have been on my wishlist for the longgggest time. I want to take photography more seriously, and better quality photos for the blog would be pretty rad. I also NEED a keyboard because I NEED to learn how to play the piano because I LOVE it so much. Get it? Got it? Good.
12. Be more like Jennifer Lawrence. The girl is my idol. Obviously she's awesome in every aspect of life, but the biggest reason I want to be more like her is because she owns her awkwardness. Owns it. I may be one of the most awkward humans to exist and I'm really awkward about my awkwardness. It's awkward. But Jen, jeez. She just does not care. (See her most recent interview on Conan here.) She flaunts it and makes it hers and it just works. JLaw, teach me your ways.
That's all I have for now. Really hoping this next year turns out to be a good one. I've noticed that for me, my best years are the odd numbers. 2014, let's break that pattern.
"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book.
Write a good one."