since i haven't been keeping up with current events, i just decided to compile a bunch of pictures
from the past few months. in september, me, quinn, molly, and her boyfriend jon all went to see jason mraz.
he was really fantastic. in october, molly and i headed downtown to a small venue to see
a rocket to the moon because our friend andy from bonaventure was opening for them.
the show was great we had a fun time catching up afterwards.
and we also met william beckett from the academy is...
for halloween, we went downtown to depaul as noah and allie from the notebook.
and in november we celebrated molly's birthday at her friends apartment downtown.
after thanksgiving, moll and i went black friday shopping at 6am and i found
a dress that made me feel like zenon. zedis lapedis.

on november 30th, my mom and i went to pick up this cute little furball.
she got a call from her friend jen who was looking for a home for the little guy, and my mom told her we'd think about it.
we originally went there just to meet him, but there was another couple waiting to see if they could take him, so i had one day to decide whether or not i wanted to keep him.
sure enough we took him home, and he's been here ever since.
he came to us as mickey, but we changed his name to oliver. it's more fitting.
some of his loving nicknames include:
- olly
- ollipop
- olly olly ox and free
- olly polly pocket pup
- squirt
- little man
- weenie licker
- sir poops a lot
- stinky
- brat
and a few others i can't think of at the moment.
but yes, we love him dearly.
he is a one and a half year old yorkie and i'm obsessed with him.

over winter break i didn't do much. i mostly worked on my room, since my brother and i switched rooms.
redesigning, purging, painting, and ripping up carpet.
i'm still not done.
but i set up a little tree in my room for additional holiday spirit :)
i also worked on designing my own mugs, and made some custom jewelry.
i bought myself a "hope" ring, to bring some hope into the new year.
on christmas, i dressed olly in a little sweater and had a photoshoot on my bed with my
new apt. 9 comforter.
and for new years we went to beverly woods banquet hall with an open bar and missed our midnight kiss.
thanks to someone.
i promise i'll update more in the future.
love and light, xo