my birthday was on the 23rd, and i spent it with quinn. after i went to class and took a math test.
we packed a cooler and brought a blanket downtown with us.
we went to free music monday, and the band was..........really bad.
we sat on wet grass, ate our dinner, and got picked on by cranky security guards.
so, we decided to go home.
so we got to the train station and boarded the train early.
the train conductor made an announcement that it was early and that those who haven't bought their tickets yet should go back to the station and buy them, since there's a $3 service charge added if you buy them on the train.
so quinn got off and bought our tickets.
but the train took off without him. and i was sitting by myself. with a dead phone.
i had to get off at the station by his house and walk back to his house by myself in the dark.
not knowing when the next train was and if i'd be waiting all night for quinn....while i sat in my car because no one was home at his house.
well lucky for me, the people around me realized what had happened and a lovely woman next to me insisted on buying my train ticket. if you're the saint who bought my ticket, THANK YOU. it meant so much to me.
but anyway, about 40 minutes after walking back and sitting in my car, i was able to turn my phone on long enough to see a text from quinn saying he left his house key in the cooler.
shortly after i went inside, his brother came home and kept me company while we waited an hour and a half for quinn to come home.
the whole night was just pretty messed up. screw you metra.

these are my 3 best friends: steph, molly, and kate. xo
looking back on these pictures, i realize how unsober we look.
but that's pretty much mac miller and wiz khalifa.
i gotta be honest, i LOOOOOOVE mac miller, but i was disappointed in his live performance.
wiz on the other hand, he killed it.
sidenote: the first picture of me and quinn is from his phone, which explains the quality. i am still without a camera since breaking it. BUT i just brought it to best buy only to find that i DID purchase a 2 year warranty on it, so geek squad will have it fixed in about 2-3 weeks. no more phone pics woo!!! but i do have to bring a disposable to seattle because we leave monday. boo.
love and light, xo