i still can't believe may is already half over. on the bright side, flowers are in bloom! aren't my mom's flowers the prettiest? i took these pictures today. the only time i stepped outside of this house. pitiful.
anywaaaaaaays. i've taken tons of random pictures in the past few weeks and i think now is a good time to post them in bulk. i'm doing a faux-instagram post...seeing as i don't own a smartphone.
i tried to put them close to chronological order but who really cares! photo descriptions below.

1. i was cleaning my room and found this gift from my friends. don't worry. it's candy.
2. i was laying outside when this song came on and i missed it so much.
3 & 4. i made quinn a message in a bottle :) he made me one too. i made it into a necklace.
5. easter morning! i love our sleepyheadness.
6. i chaperoned a high school field trip. i love visiting the bean.
7. i chaperoned another field trip. vietnam museum. "Is love too much to ask?"
8 & 9. i ran into my best friend brian at the pet store. we played with this pretty little girl and fell in love.
10. quinn and i found a "stray" cat. turned out to be his neighbors.
11. my new sneaks! the boyfriend popped $100 for these bad boys. i'm in love.<3
12. quinn got himself a pair. they look pretty good under blacklights.
13 & 14. took quinn to blue man group for his birthday. best show ever. it never gets old.
sorry for the lack of posts. life has been a whirlwind but that's soon going to change!
happy summertime :)
love and light, xo